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Importance of ventilation in light of Covid-19

Rajkumar Jain, co-founder of Anemos, explains how fans offer better circulation and prevent the virus from thriving in a room

Importance of ventilation in light of Covid-19
Importance of ventilation in light of Covid-19

Laura Ingalls Wilder once said: “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” As the quote rightly says, the importance of fresh air and good ventilation in any space can hardly be overemphasised. However, with the ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus or Covid-19, the need for natural air and effective circulation is critical and of paramount importance. Research has shown that this virus thrives in air-conditioned environments where the air is stagnant and laden with moisture. Hence it is crucial to ensure that rooms and spaces are airy and well ventilated. 


As the entire world is grappling with the adverse effects of this virus, experts all over have suggested limited use of central air conditioning, a high rate of air change and maintaining humidity levels between 40%-60%. The increased use of fans vis-a-vis air conditioning is being recommended as fans help circulate the natural air in the room and provide relief by increased air motion. In fact, the use of fans with windows partially open is being suggested in most places as this improves ventilation and air circulation with scope for fresh air to enter.  This prevents the recirculation of the existing air and mitigates the collection of stagnant air which is one of the causes for the infection to harbour and spread. 

Improving air quality is an important measure to help control the spread of the virus. It is being suggested that air purifiers and frequent air changes are built into the air conditioning systems, both of which factors together contribute to better air quality. Fans again are an effective and inexpensive way to elevate air quality as they improve air flow and air circulation. Along with electric fans, it is recommended that exhaust fans which may be present in the vicinity be operated to further improve the quality of indoor air. 

Rajkumar Jain

So, whether it is the humble ceiling fan, pedestal fan, table fan or even exhaust fans, it’s importance in helping prevent the spread of the virus cannot be undermined. This is in fact one of the reasons why the government allowed shops retailing electric fans to remain open along with other basic essentials during the lockdown period.