Zula Zorlu, located in Istanbul, is designed by Urbanjobs. The key concern among the designers was whether it is possible to design a planned and controlled space having aesthetic and functional concerns, without overdesigning.
This project that seeks for the barest states of spatial search, endeavors to offer one of the most natural expressions of restaurant culture in Turkey. It is a volume totally purified from any unnecessities, and kept perfectly simple, while at the same time addressing the functional requirements of cooking, serving, washing and eating. Net areas are allocated for the functional needs through carefully planned spaces. The advanced simplicity of this project revolves around the four significant spatial elements: strength, function, beauty and emotion.
Plain forms, naked rhythms, free from assertion and chaos, limited by what eyes see and ears hear – define the space. Being the third location of the brand, the design is actually one of the rare models in Turkey by its simple and sterile aesthetics. The plain canvas is embellished with distinctively designed chairs and bar chairs, the space exhibits what needs to be highlighted by its illumination on the tables.